The Power of Repetition

Joshua was ordered to gather the people and instructed them to “compass the city” once a day for the next six days (6:7). The priests were followed by the “covenant of the Lord” (6:8), so they were more than certain that God was supporting them and leading them. And so every day for six days they went around the city. They didn’t question why, they just done the same thing over and over again until on the last day, they went around the city seven times and on the seventh time they gave a shout and the walls came down (15-16, 20).

A lot of the time we’re told that if we try and do something one way, and it fails, then we should try another strategy in the hopes of succeeding. Reading Joshua 6 has really opened my eyes to see and understand the power of doing the same thing over and over again. When God told Joshua that he and the people should go around the city numerous times, he didn’t question it he just faithfully obeyed. Imagine doing something so repetitively in the hopes of getting some pretty big results!

But its not just about being repetitive or doing the same thing over and over again. Doing something consistently is a reflection of your faith. It’s believing that one day what you are doing will trigger results, and it also shows a great sense of resilience. Your attitude whilst doing something consistently matters. Verse 15 tells us that they rose up early in order to go about the city. They were eager, enthusiastic and they were under expectation. Our attitude behind our actions either hinders us or empowers us.

Be encouraged today to recognise the power of having the right attitude. The power of resilience, consistency and the power of repetition.

peace & love xoxo


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